
Chez Dcembre

Pour le meilleur ou pour le pire


décembre 2018

Bernard Henri Levy – a portrait of immorality

BHL = Fraud!…

Big 'N' Mighty Nose

The article below represents a compilation of my older writings and,  which appeared on There Must Be Justice blog on May 30, 2014.
After the recent floods hit Balkans, where two Serbian states (Serbia and Republic of Srpska) have, certainly, suffered the most, the muddy streams have brought a lot of various trash and profiteers of a different type. Thus, some of them (ab)used the opportunity to gain the media attention; but some others used it as a comeback to the crime scene.
I am sure that majority is familiar with the name of Bernard Henri Levy or  BHL, prominent French Jew, ‘ philosopher’ and author, who had made fame (and fortune )  in the 90- is,  when he actively participated in the project of global satanization of Serbian people in behalf of Izetbegovic Islamofascists.  This may sound incredible for a French  Jew since the Holocaust and the Middle Eastern…

Voir l’article original 4 447 mots de plus

Sensational confession of Ibran Mustafic, Bosnian Muslim war veteran and politician: We were killing our own people in Srebrenica

“For the crimes committed in Srebrenica Izetbegovic and Bill Clinton are directly responsible”

Big 'N' Mighty Nose

« At least 1,000 Bosnian Muslims from Srebrenica were killed by their compatriots during the breakthrough to Tuzla in July 1995, because there were lists of those who ” have to be prevented from reaching the freedom, at any cost”, said one of the founders of  SDA political party in Srebrenica, Ibran Mustafic .

Ibran mustafić.jpg Ibran Mustafic

**   Ibran Mustafic is the author of  the book “Planned chaos” whereas some of the crimes committed by soldiers of the (Muslim) Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina against Serbs  are for the first time recognized and described, as well as the permanent Western illegal arm shipment to Bosnian Muslim separatists before and during the war, and what’s significant, even during the period when Srebrenica was demilitarized zone under UN protection.  Mustafic tells about inter Muslim clashes and general debauchery in the municipality which has been ruled by mafia under the Bosniak military commander, Naser…

Voir l’article original 935 mots de plus

L’Europe est devenue la plus grande escroquerie en bande organisée

Dilution des États-Nations…

Intérêt pour tous

Sigmar Gabriel, qui est le ministre des affaires étrangères allemande, vient de prôner la création des États-Unis d’Europe d’ici 2025, ce qui est tout de même demain.

Voir l’article original 45 mots de plus

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